- Crocodile
Species - Saltwater Crocodile Crocodylus
- Also known as the
Indo-Pacific crocodile. Will attack humans.
- The saltwater crocodile
can be found in the northern parts of Australia and in
Asia. They can swim hundreds of kilometres.
This is why they are found in the warmer climates of
Asia and Australia.
- Cassowary
- Casuarius casuarius
- Stay well clear of this
animal. The Cassowary can be a very dangerous bird.
- Cassowaries can be found
in the far North Queensland rainforest region. Clearing of
tropical rainforests have divided the Southern Cassowary
population into several small fragile remnants. They
are now a protected species. It is believed that there are
only 1500 remaining.
Species - Sus scrofa
- They can weigh up to 130kg
(over 600 pounds) and have 8cm (3 inch) tusks. and
can reach up to speeds of 40 km/hr (25 mph) in a short
distance. If you encounter one, don't aggravate it.
If it charges do not run, try to get behind
a tree.
Taipan, King Brown and Rough
Scale, are among some of the most venomous, but in most
cases, if you leave them alone they will choose to move away
quickly as possible.
Other annoying creatures
Scrub Mites, Ticks, Spiders,
Leeches, Bull Ants, Mosquitoes, Scorpions, centipedes,
Stinging trees
Grows on the edges of tracks
and clearings. It has fine, poisonous hairs on its
heart-shaped leaves and even when lightly brushed these
hairs penetrate the skin. The sting is excruciatingly
painful and can cause illness and even hospitalisation.